Training & Development

I give workshops:
- Closure days
- After school meetings
- Workshops (eg. Saturday or after school)

My work involves:
- Working with School clusters
- Working in a school, in-class demonstrations/team teaching
- Mentoring new teachers at your school
- Study Groups
- Workshops

OR any literacy learning in the classroom!

Happy me, happy teachers after a year-long training in 1-1 Reading Intervention programme.

Congratulations to a student who was reading independently after 9 weeks on Reading Recovery.

Assessing a student before a Guided Reading lesson begins.

A group who have just viewed a Reading Recovery lesson.

Reading Recovery in London.

Group in Jersey City preparing for Reciprocal Teaching discussion group.

Critical Literacy in Jersey City. That story Jack in the Beanstalk is wonderful for getting children to think deeper about issues.