Truly Guided Reading
After thoughts about how expensive teacher resources books are (especially in Australia) and how publishers forget about their authors, I decided to publish this book myself (LAS Pedagogy and Success).I aim to put right many of the 'myths' associated with Guided Reading as I know it is an effective pedagogy that ensures reading success.
This book is suitable for leadership - trainers and teachers who want to implement small group focused instructional reading. Chapter 1 begins by showing how to organize independent participation in activities that are doable (not relying upon worksheets) and therefore eliminating any interruptions as you work with small reading groups. The information continues, scheduling; reading for meaning - the heart of the reading process; modelling a range of comprehension strategies; grouping and re-grouping (latter, if necessary); when to begin Guided Reading; Guided Reading for older children.
Read about my book on Google (example pages are shown).
The e-book is less than $A10.00 and the hard copy is $20.00 +
$3 postage.
Overseas purchasers - you can contact Dr Scott Zarcinas (details below) and he will convert the amounts to your country's currency. If ordering an e-book, Scott Zarcinas also is the person to contact.
Mobile: 0430 036 693
Telephone and fax: 08 84314965
Alternatively, order your hard copy directly from Liz Simon:
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Thinkers and Performers
Bringing Critical Thinking Alive (published 2010)
Three (3) books in one!
Investigation of children’s fictional literature
Inquiry and research
Critical literacy book clubs
This book is designed for year levels two onwards using the Gradual Release of Responsibiity Model.
You will find that critical thinking is not simply a question of children ‘doing something harder’, but a way of thinking that is distinct and discerning.
This book is designed for year levels two onwards using the Gradual Release of Responsibiity Model.
literacy program:
Introductory Skill
Critical thinking program – Children’s
(fiction) characterization |
Critical Literacy Book Clubs, literature qualities
in fiction
You will find that critical thinking is not simply a question of children ‘doing something harder’, but a way of thinking that is distinct and discerning.
You will be able to use the suggested activities and tasks to teach children the essential skills of working in collaborative groups and asking questions that position them in relation to the information they receive and communicate. This stimulating environment sparks children’s desire to share their ideas and to participate in all aspects of critical literacy programmes.
You will explore three classroom scenarios with the development of critical thinking as the constant thread.
This book also offers instruction in how to conduct conferences, timely intervention, monitoring and evaluating programmes, self assessment, inquiry journals, creative thinking (looking for alternative solutions) and study skills needed for research.
Publisher: Hawker Brownlow Education
ISBN: 978 1 74239 274 5 Code: HB2745
Write as an Expert
Explicit Teaching of Written Genres (published 2005)
Teaching genre is more than giving young writers structure; it's giving them the chance to learn the language (the grammar) associated with each genre before they tackle the task of writing. The information in the book will help you introduce genre study into your curriculum effortlessly.
In Write as an Expert, there is a straightforward guide to teaching genre that's ready to use in your next writing lesson. With the busy teacher in mind, Write as an Expert contains 46 black line masters that cover the important tasks associated with each genre. Just some of the subject matter includes:
· planning and composing letters
· generating character and plot ideas for fiction
· listing key words to write original reports
· using the Inquiry process to guide research
· creating lead-in paragraphs for articles and exposition
· proofreading guides for key genres.
There are writing-genre frameworks for early, transitional and extending writers, plus for each genre a learning-outcomes profile for you to evaluate and document student progress. Write as an Expert also includes photographs and samples of student writing that show firsthand how genre-study lessons work in practice.
You will be thrilled to see your students use more formal language to meet the challenges of different writing forms and different audiences. Read Write as an Expert and make genre part of your writing-workshop structure today.
Publisher: Heinemann USA
Buy directly from Liz Simon (new copy much cheaper)
OR Pearsons Australia
OR the online distributor, ($32)
Buy directly from Liz Simon (new copy much cheaper)
OR Pearsons Australia
OR the online distributor, ($32)
Strategic Spelling
Every Writer’s Tool (published 2004)
Consider what a daunting challenge it is for young children to learn how to spell. A few letters, but oh! so many sounds. How do you teach THAT? A lot more easily if you read this book.
Teachers are very good at working with students in small groups. A unique part of this book is showing teachers how to conference 1-on-1 with students teaching spelling strategies which relate specifically to them.
The book is a ‘how-to’ to help children visualize and remember spelling patterns. It is based on solid theory and strong in ‘classroom-ready’ suggestions. The developmental approach covers all the bases of the three different types of spellers – symbol and sound spellers, word spellers and language spellers – whether they’re native speakers, English language learners, or special education students. Most importantly, learners learn to spell while writing. Spelling is not just a subject, it’s their best tool.
In addition to classroom strategies this book is loaded with reproducible forms, exercises, reinforcement activities and numerous other materials and procedures to keep you and your students on track. These include:
§ Ready-made assessment and recording sheets
§ Self-help spelling strategy map (every Reading Recovery teacher's
instruction tool)
instruction tool)
§ Divergent thinking cards
§ Word form explanations
§ An example of a shared reading weekly plan
§ Spelling generalizations section
§ A handwriting program integrated into the learning of sounds and symbols
§ Step-by-step guides to related computer programs
§ Glossary of terms.
Poor spelling [and handwriting] can inhibit children from writing. Get them to write and write well from the start.
Publisher: Heinemann USA
Buy directly from Heinemann USA email:
OR Pearsons Australia
OR the online distributor, ($24)
OR Pearsons Australia
OR the online distributor, ($24)
ISBN 0325 00589 3
Literacy Activities for small groups (published 1999)
Literacy Activities for Small Groups is an invaluable resource for teachers who want to manage a differential literacy programme. Managing a reading programme where you work directly with small groups, as in Guided Reading, is challenging. You need to work without interruption. To do this the rest of the class is involved in relevant and carefully selected activities in literacy learning centres.
It covers practical classroom issues such as,
- Using texts as the stimulus for focused teaching
- how you organize the classroom for small group work
- providing relevant literacy activities so children develop specific literacy understandings
- using a management task board, support strategies, assessment and grouping
- a four-week plan for getting started.
The book provides a range of activities for emergent, early and fluent readers that will allow them to discover new concepts relating to meaning, structure and visual through active exploration and experimentation.
Publisher: Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Armadale, Vic.
ISBN: 1875327541
Three other current books are:
The Tricky Truck Track Teacher Book. Loaded with ideas, games and activities for The Tricky Truck Track book collection (ISBN 1 86374 545 9)
Seashores Teacher Notes uses the Seashores collection of books as the model for Factual writing – simple report (ISBN 186374 577 7)
Universe Teacher Notes uses The Universe collection of books as the model for Factual writing – simple report (ISBN 186374 578 5)
of the
books: Era Publications
Flinders Park. South Australia